Players have been shortlisted through trial Camps and as per their existing records.
We have made use up of the services and suggestions of some known national/international cricketers and coaches for these selection trials.
Our experts scrutinized the players in different grades: As per their playing-class RecordsTalentExperienceAgingCareer-performanceAvailability, etc.The payable fees to each player are also considered for the selection of every individual.
Grand Trio Sports Services LLC cleared to each player, willing to take part in KPL, that each one, on mandatory, must bring NOC individually from their concerned authority / department / board / association, etc.
Being the 1st season of KPL, many players will be new for one or all of our Team Owners. So, there are chances that the talent of some/many players may be hidden, which can be a reason for them to select the wrong talent for their team.
Grand Trio Sports Services LLC has decided to let the Franchise to come up in the auction and bid for their expected choice of player from the sorted bunch of each talent. Bunches of the Players, are formed by considering the playing-class, talent, experience, records, and aging, career-performance, availability, and payable minimum fees etc. This is planned to maintain the level of talent in each team to make the tournament a true entertainer
The Team composition structure, for the First Season of the KPL, is designed in a much more professional way.